Agriculture produces a large amount of organic waste.
Such waste is an inexhaustible source of energy. Therefore, in the disposal of waste in agriculture, a wide range of technologies are used to generate energy from waste, from simple combustion to biogas production.
Market Segments
The Solution
WARP ® GASIFICATION TECHNOLOGY is by far one of the most convenient and efficient ways to produce clean energy. The use of agricultural waste to generate energy through gasification increases the power supply of agriculture, allows the use of more efficient technologies for the production of agricultural products, their storage and processing, increasing competitiveness, energy security and, ultimately, the food security of society.
Oil Seeds
Fast-growing crops such as Sinara, planting oilseeds.
Oil Cake
After receiving biodiesel or vegetable oils, cake remains that can be gasified.
Palm Oil
Including palm oil waste.
Processed coconut husk
Ideal for tropical island solutions.
Stalk processing
Rice husk, straw.
Citrus waste
Citrus skins in the production of juices.
Livestock waste
Bird droppings, manure.
Crop waste
Straw stalks, bran.
Parameters: 1 Module
16,000 T
Disposal per year
1,5 - 4 MW
Electrical Capacity
3,5 - 7 GСal
Heat per hour
According to our calculations, from 1 to 5 complexes can be effectively placed in one place. We can work with waste of various calories from 6 mJ.
Waste Treatment;Briquette forming → Shredding and briquetting;Humidity → Drying with heat
Mobility;The complex consists of containers and can be transported to a new facility
Resources;Site → From 1,500 sq. m to 1 hectare;External resources → Up to 1 cubic m of water
Our Advantages & Benefits
Reduction of waste shipping costs.
Can launch social projects thanks to access to cheap electricity, thus improving the quality of life of the surrounding population and provide access to new technologies.
The power supply ratio of production increases, energy independence and security are more easily obtained.
Instead of burning waste, gasification can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the energy received can be directed to the support of greenhouse technology (plant lighting and CO2 utilization in greenhouses).
It can be easily used for drying products, heating greenhouses and livestock complexes, and also converted into cold (for refrigerated warehouses) for storage.
Economic Effect
Projects payback in 3-8 years.
Health and Ecology
Our technology generates energy with significantly lower emissions (or none at all) therefore reducing the impact on global warming and without the negative impact the health of the surrounding communities.