Communities and companies that are far from a centralized energy supply always lack energy resources. This makes it difficult to work in the northerns parts of the planet because it requires a constant supply of fuel to supply heat and electricity. Meanwhile, in many places on the planet there are huge reserves of an excellent raw material - peat. According to various estimates, globally there are from 250 to 500 billion tons of peat (if at 40% humidity). Peat covers about 3% of the land area and there is more peat in the northern hemisphere than in the southern; the amount of peat increases when moving further north one goes, and at the same time, the proportion of peat bogs increases. So, in Germany, peatlands occupy 4.8%, in Sweden - 14%, in Finland - 30.6%. Sufficient peat reserves are available in Ukraine (Morochno-1 deposit). Also, large reserves of peat are available in Indonesia, Canada, Belarus, Ireland, Great Britain, and a number of US states.
Sufficient peat reserves are available in Ukraine (Morochno-1 deposit). Also, large reserves of peat are available in Indonesia, Canada, Belarus, Ireland, Great Britain, and a number of US states. According to estimates by the Canadian Peat Resources (2010), Canada ranks first in the world in terms of peat reserves (170 billion tons), and Russia (150 billion tons) in the second [3]. At the same time, peat, which is constantly formed in the swamps, is a renewable resource. Peat is widely used for energy production, but conventional methods (direct combustion and use of steam boilers) are ineffective and have a significant negative environmental impact. The use of locally available fuels (including peat) can improve the quality of life of the population of this region, create new jobs in the extraction and processing of peat, and normalize the operation of existing peat processing and peat-mining enterprises. And most importantly, the region achieves also energy stability and security.
Market Segments
Peat Industry
The Solution
UNIVASTUM has developed a number of unique and effective solutions for the gasification of waste with the generation of electricity, heat and cooling which take into account the characteristics of the transport infrastructure. The resulting energy reduces transport and operating costs.
High calorie peat
High calorific value allows to reduce capital costs for the implementation of the gasification project
Heat can be used for various technological processes.
Parameters: 1 Module
16,000 T
Disposal per year
1,5 - 4 MW
Electrical Capacity
3,5 - 7 GСal
Heat per hour
The modular design makes it easy to install from 1 to 5 complexes on one site. The small area of the complex and the small size of the sanitary zone allows you to place complexes on the territory of the factory. We can work with waste of various calories from 6 mJ.
Waste Treatment;Peat → Pelletizing, drying
Mobility;The complex consists of containers and can be transported to a new facility
Resources;Site → From 0.15 to 1ha;External Resources → Up to 1 m³/hour of water and 0.4 kV, 150 kW of electricity
Our Advantages & Benefits
Reducing the cost of energy generation, creating new jobs.
Creating the foundation for the growth of business activity in the region.
Peat, as a locally sourced raw material, reduces dependence on external supplies.
Additional energy capacities contribute to the development of the region.
Economic Effect
Projects payback in 4-6 years.
Health and Ecology
In the process of gasification, the system does not come in contact with the surrounding environment until the fuel is completely burned in the gas turbine. The complex has an extremely low level of exhaust emissions, corresponding to the highest requirements of the European Union and the USA. The complex is completely free of water and soil pollution.